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John Deere - power and longevity

Deere & Company , jedno z najstarszych przedsiębiorstw w Stanach Zjednoczonych - synonim światowego lidera techniki rolnej, od przeszło półwiecza rozwija produkcję zaawansowanych silników przemysłowych diesla. Te trwałe, niezawodne i wydajne jednostki napędowe stanowią serce naszych agregatów serii PDJD sprawiając, że produkty Pezal stosowane do nieustannej pracy, spełniają oczekiwania najbardziej wymagających Klientów.

ComAp - Power Generation and Drive Power Controllers

Intelligent control systems for every user. Intuitive and easy-to-use control panels for monitoring even the smallest aspects of the device. Clear diagnostic messages and real-time measurements, management over distances via GSM / GPRS are just part of a long list of capabilities. Thanks to longterm cooperation with ComAp we constantly provide our customers with a sense of security and control over the equipment.

SOCOMEC - Innovative Power Solutions

Socomec switching devices help to secure the power supply by securely switching unstable loads to an alternative power source. Fast switching ensures a great reduction in power outage and associated costs. One-way integration of power, drive, and network control circuits offers high performance. At Pezal we use Socomec ATys, ATys M, ATys S and C30 switches.

LEROY-SOMER | Nidec Motor Corporation

Thanks to its long-standing experience in the design and manufacture of generators, all products made by the company characterize high quality, performance and reliability. Thinking about increase the productivity, efficiency and quality of our generators, we have decided to work closely with LEROY-SOMER. For a few years now we have been using these industrial generators, which makes our generators even better meet our customers' expectations.

DEUTZ AG - Engines made in Germany

The reputation of the oldest diesel engine manufacturer and the trust that this brand has for our customers, has made the engines of DEUTZ AG the heart of many of our generator sets. The company is one of the world's leading manufacturers of diesel and environmentally friendly power suppliers. We use solid, multi-cylinder, turbocharged units to power the PDD series generators. We rely on the longevity of our products, so we choose the engines manufactured in Germany.